我一直想拿到我的FNP学位,而赫zing的在线课程非常适合我. 我需要在没有太多休息的情况下完成我的课程, 特别是因为我是全职工作,还有家庭生活要管理.
所有 my instructors were helpful; I really can’t identify just one that helped the most 和 I want to thank them all! 解剖学 & 生理学和药理学是教我毕业后最常用的技能的课程. 我仍然惊讶于过去的20个月过得如此之快——不敢相信它已经结束了!
My recommendation for nurses looking to get their MSN is don't put it off; it only gets harder the longer you wait. 你总能找到借口推迟, 但一旦你决定开始, 你会后悔几年前就开始了!